Day 7 - 10/7

Day 7 - 10/7

Today we have a blog from Isabel (Philippines) and Moritz (Germany).

Isabel from the Philippines:

Hello, my name is Isabel. The first activity is that you are supposed to write your stereotypes for the other countries. The activity was a bit hard because I don't know all the countries. But, the activity was important because of what it teaches us. What we had to do first is that we should draw our national map and we should pass it to the other countries and you guys can write what you want to write.
The other activity is Streets and Avenues. There is one cat and one mouse. What you are supposed to do if you are the cat is run and try to get the mouse. If you are a street/avenue/lamppost you are supposed to listen to the person who is shouting formation.

The last one was writing letters to school staff. But if you were not done with the old letters you can finish them.

Moritz from Germany:

Hi my name is Moritz and I come from Germany. During Activity 1 and 2 we played a game called stereotypes. For that game we had to draw the outlines of our country. Afterwards we passed our map on to another delegation. Everyone then could write or paint his thoughts and stereotypes to that country down on the map. When we got our map back we could see all the thoughts and stereotypes. In the 3rd Activity we played a game called Streets and Avenues. We all stood in rows and had to put our arms up. On command we had to either turn to the left or the right. On the command Lamppost we had to rise our arms over the head. Then two people were chosen to be a cat and a mouse. The cat had to chase the mouse through the labyrinth. So it was a chasing fun for everyone. After dinner which was really tasty we wrote thank-you-letters for the host families, the staff, the room owner and the school owner. After that the Lullabies where called out. Then we all went to our chambers and slept.

Day 28 - 31/7

Day 28 - 31/7

Today we have a blog from Kissu (camp director).


Day 27 - 30/7

Day 27 - 30/7

Today we have a blog from Nathalie and Anne (kitchen staff).
