Day 8 - 11/7

Day 8 - 11/7

Today we have a blog from Sindri (Iceland) and Alva (Sweden).

Sindri from Iceland:

Hi my name is Sindri and I am from Iceland and I live in Garðabæ. I woke up and went to breakfast and then to the bi ba game. It was not fun because no one knew what to do and we played it for 60 minutes. After that we had lunch and had Filipino food. It was good. After that we played the game cannibals. It was a fun game and my team won the game. Then we went and had food. Then we had a running game it was fun. Then we had dinner. Then we went to Filipino show because it was Filipino national night. The made a new energizer and then showed us what the colors in their flag means. If the red is up the there is war but if the blue is up then it means peace. Then they showed us cool dances that they had practiced for six hours every Sunday since 2015. Then we played a game where one sat on a chair and he had to guess something. It was fun, then they thought us how to do the dance. Thank you

Alva from Sweden:

Hello, my name is Alva and I live in Sweden. 

Yesterday on activity 1 we did a game called Bip Bap Boop. The game is that the leaders makes a big circle and all of the kids stands inside it, and those who are inside tries to figure out how to get out and what makes the leaders stop making all the sounds. 

On activity 2 we did the game called Cannibal and there it is different teams and the teams cannot let go each other’s hands because then the cannibals can come and take away the colours you collect. You should look after different colours on different stations. You get a question or doing tasks; if you get the questions or the tasks right you get a colour.

On the last activity it was the Philippines National Night.

Day 28 - 31/7

Day 28 - 31/7

Today we have a blog from Kissu (camp director).


Day 27 - 30/7

Day 27 - 30/7

Today we have a blog from Nathalie and Anne (kitchen staff).
