Day 14 - 17/7

Day 14 - 17/7

Today we have a blog from Yara (Lebanon) and Ludovic (France).

Yara from Lebanon:

Ludovic from France:

My name is Ludovic. I am 11 years old and i come from Grenoble (France).

I will write about Friday for the blog.

I woke up at 8, we raised the flag at 8.20. at 8.30 we had breakfast, there was chocolate chip brioche and toast bread, chocolate milk with cereals and Nutella. At 9 we did not do the cleaning as usual but we tidied our bedroom and I made our bag. At 11.15 we played a game were JCs and leaders make a circle and hold hands. To pass you need to go through a hole (under the legs, under the arms and over the arms) but if 2 persons go through the same hole or touch a person from the circle or speaks JCs and leaders « bip » and all the persons out of the circle come back in. At 13 we ate. At 14 we took a nap, at 15.30 we did the delegation time, at 16 the families arrived, at 16.30 I left to waterloo with the family, at 18. We arrived and put our stuff, at 18.15 we went to see the national night of the Italian interchange delegation and at 22.30 we came back to bed.

Day 28 - 31/7

Day 28 - 31/7

Today we have a blog from Kissu (camp director).


Day 27 - 30/7

Day 27 - 30/7

Today we have a blog from Nathalie and Anne (kitchen staff).
